WPC Energy's Vision

WPC Energy's prime value is to facilitate dialogue amongst all stakeholders to find answers to key technical, social, environmental and management issues facing the industry; in order to provide affordable energy for all and contribute towards sustainable growth. WPC Energy is a neutral and non-political forum, bringing together the highest-level leaders from producers and consumers within a global platform to discuss the status and the future of the energy industry for the benefit of all.

Vision, Mission, Values and Principles


To be recognised as the premier global forum facilitating an open dialogue around energy and it's products.


To promote the development and utilisation of the world’s energy resources in an efficient and sustainable way, for the benefit of current and future generations, with the purpose of providing:

  • an enhanced understanding of issues and challenges
  • networking opportunities in a global forum
  • a platform for dialogue
  • co-operation (partnerships) with other organisations
  • an opportunity to showcase the industry’s technical achievements
  • a forum for developing international business opportunities
  • knowledge dissemination via congresses, meetings and publications
  • initiatives for recruiting and retaining expertise and skills to the industry
  • promoting best practises in the production and consumption of cleaner energy resources
  • a clear picture of the continued role and importance of oil and gas in the global energy mix


WPC Energy values strongly:

  • Respect for individuals and cultures world wide
  • Unbiased and objective views
  • Integrity in all actions
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Transparency, good governance and ethical behaviour
  • To do no harm to people and environment
  • Safety and security
  • Cross-national dialogue and networking
  • The views of other stakeholders


WPC Energy needs to be identified with our mission and flexible enough so that we can embrace change and adapt to it. We have to be:

  • Pro-active and responsive to industry changes and not merely led by them
  • Creative and visionary, so that we add value for our members
  • Challenging, so that our goals and actions require effort to attain but are realistic and achievable
  • Focused, so that our goals are clear, transparent and understandable to all
  • Safe and responsible, conducting responsible operations and encouraging others to aim for the highest standards