UPSTREAM win tender for 22nd World Petroleum Congress Official Daily News

Upstream win tender for 22nd World Petroleum Congress Official Daily News

The World Petroleum Council has appointed Upstream, an award-winning global oil and gas news provider for the international oil and gas industry, to produce the Official Daily News for the 22nd World Petroleum Congress.  Held in Istanbul, Turkey from the 9-13 July 2017 the 22nd WPC will be the highlight on the oil and gas calendar for 2017, and is expected to attract 5000 delegates, 600 speakers and over 500 ministers and CEOs from around the world.  

Upstream currently has a team of 30 staff reporters located around the world, and through its electronic news service, can provide the unbiased, independent journalism required by the 22nd WPC Daily News.

Dr. Pierce Riemer, the Director General of the World Petroleum Council, explained: "Their excellent proposal, combined with the quality Upstream brings to the table, made them the best candidate to deliver a high quality Daily News for the 22nd World Petroleum Congress".

Upstream's Senior Vice President, Sidsel Norvik, said: "We are delighted to have been chosen for the third straight time to produce the Official Daily News that will keep delegates informed and help set the agenda at the World Petroleum Congress.  The 22nd WPC will bring the global leaders of the oil and gas industry to Istanbul, and Upstream will have a big team of experienced energy journalists on site to cover all facets of this outstanding event".