The WPC Energy Congress


Every three years, WPC Energy organizes the WPC Energy Congress (formerly the World Petroleum Congress) as the principal meeting place for a global discussion of all energy related issues. Following a twelve month campaign period, one of the candidate countries is selected by its fellow Council members to host the next WPC Energy Congress. 

Following the 24th Congress in Calgary in 2023, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia will be the host city for the 25th WPC Energy Congress in 2026.

Past Congresses:

2023 - 24th WPC, Calgary
2021 - 23rd WPC, Houston
2017 – 22nd WPC, Istanbul
2014 - 21st WPC, Moscow
2011 - 20th WPC, Doha
2008 - 19th WPC, Madrid
2005 – 18th WPC, Johannesburg
2002 – 17th WPC, Rio
2000 – 16th WPC, Calgary
1997 – 15th WPC, Beijing
1994 – 14th WPC, Stavanger
1991 – 13th WPC, Buenos Aires
1987 – 12th WPC, Houston

1983 – 11th WPC, London
1979 – 10th WPC, Bucharest
1975 – 9th WPC, Tokyo
1971 – 8th WPC, Moscow
1967 – 7th WPC, Mexico City
1963 – 6th WPC, Frankfurt
1959 – 5th WPC, New York
1955 – 4th WPC, Rome
1951 – 3rd WPC, The Hague
1937 – 2nd WPC, Paris
1933 – 1st WPC, London 


Beyond the triennial Congress, WPC Energy has been regularly involved with a number of other meetings such as the WPC Youth Forum, the WPC Leadership Conference on social action and sustainability, the WPC Downstream Conference, Expert Workshops with the WPC National Committees and special events such as the WPC-UN Global Compact Best Practice Forum, a joint WPC / OPEC workshop on CO2 sequestration, reduction of methane flaring, opportunities for enhanced oil recovery, dispute resolution, calculating reserves and resources, regional integration and the energy and infrastructure developments in Africa.