The Organisation

The objects of WPC Energy is the promotion, for the benefit of the public, of the sustainable supply and efficient use of the world's energy resources in particular but not exclusively by the following:

(a) holding congresses, conferences, meetings, seminars and workshops to:

  1. promote best practice with regard to social responsibility and development;
  2. promote the advancement of human rights (as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent United Nations conventions and declarations), facilitating discussion between government, industry and community in issues such as equality and diversity and elimination of discrimination;
  3. provide a forum for representatives of communities to share their concerns regarding sustainability;
  4. to suggest solutions for global energy challenges, environmental protection and multi-sectorial co-operation with the aim to conserve and preserve the natural environment;
  5. share knowledge of technological developments and scientific research for the benefit of the public and publishing the useful results for the public benefit.

(b) publishing, producing or assisting in the publication, production and distribution of education materials to schools and universities and other interested parties with the aim to advance education for the public benefit.

(c) maintaining electronic libraries and providing public access to papers, research documents and publications.

(d) encouraging the undertaking of voluntary work (work which further exclusively charitable purposes – charitable under English law) in furthering the exclusively charitable objects of WPC Energy.

(e) institute, establish and promote educational and training courses, scholarship grants, awards and prizes with the aim to advance education and research for the public benefit.

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WPC Executive Committee 2011-2014

Accordingly WPC Energy does not have a formal position on issues but does act as a forum to bring together in dialogue the various sectors of society that have views on specific issues. WPC Energy is a non-advocacy, non-political organisation and has accreditation as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) from the UN. WPC Energy is dedicated to the application of scientific advances in the oil and gas industries, to technology transfer and to the use of the world's energy resources for the benefit of all.

Headquartered in London, since 1933, WPC Energy includes 60 member countries from around the world representing over 96% of global energy production and consumption. WPC Energy membership is unique as it includes both OPEC and Non-OPEC countries with representation of National Oil Companies (NOC's) as well as Independent Oil Companies (IOC's). Each country has a National Committee made up from representatives of the energy industry, academia and research institutions and government departments. Governing body is the Council consisting of representation from each of the country national committees.

Every three years the Council organises the WPC Energy Congress hosted by one of its member countries. The triennial Congress is also known as the "Olympics" of the energy industry and covers all aspects of the industry from technological advances in upstream and downstream operations to the role of natural gas and renewables, management of the industry and its social, economic and environmental impact. In addition, outside stakeholders such as governments, other industry sectors, NGOs and international institutions have also joined in the dialogue.