The WPC/BCG survey 2023
The WPC/BCG survey 2023 Advancing Diversity, Equity and inclusion in the Energy Sector.
2021 Untapped Reserves 2.0: Driving Gender Balance in Oil and Gas
A collaboration between the World Petroleum Council (WPC) and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG)
At the 23rd World Petroleum Congress in Houston in December 2021, WPC and BCG presented the results of "Untapped Reserves 2.0 - Driving Gender Balance in Oil and Gas", the second groundbreaking study on the status, challenges and opportunities of gender diversity in the oil and gas industry.
Since 2017 when the World Petroleum Council (WPC) and Boston Consulting Group (BCG) first examined attitudes about gender balance in oil and gas, the industry has experienced significant disruption. The global industry transition away from fossil fuels and the continued growth of digitilisation have accelerated both the need for and the pace for change. This is, of course, in addition to the severe disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The percentage of women working in the oil and gas industry remains unaltered at 22%, the same level reported in 2017. Although the pandemic and associated oil price shock were important factors in halting further progress, they underscore the need for continued focus, commitment and action to improve diversity and inclusion (D&I). There are glimmers of hope: the number of D&I policies and programmes introduced by companies is up by about 50% since 2017, indicating that even though outcomes stalled, the commitment to act and lay foundations for future progress remained strong throughtout the period.
This extensive body of research provides a highly valuable in-depth and representative look at where the industry stands on this very important topic. For more details you can access:
WPC-BCG Untapped Reserves 2.0 Report
WPC-BCG Untapped Reserves 2.0 Infographic
WPC-BCG Untapped Reserves 2.0 Executive Summary
For further information, please contact:
2017 - The first WPC and BCG global report on Untapped Reserves: Promoting Gender Balance in Oil and Gas
The initial Gender Study was launched by at the 22nd World Petroleum Congress in Istanbul in July 2017, WPC and BCG presented the results of the first groundbreaking study on the status, challenges and opportunities of gender diversity in the oil and gas industry.
The first global report on Untapped Reserves: Promoting Gender Balance in Oil and Gas, prepared by the World Petroleum Council and The Boston Consulting Group, provides a comprehensive baseline on gender balance in the oil and gas industry today. The report’s findings are based on substantial proprietary research that included detailed personal interviews with more than 60 male and female senior industry executives worldwide, a survey of approximately 2,000 male and female industry professionals from a wide range of companies and countries, and primary quantitative data provided confidentially by all major international oil companies and several national oil companies (a total of 38 companies with collective revenues of $1.9 trillion and employees representing between 25% and 30% of the industry’s global workforce).
The benchmark report is being updated every three years which will enable us to keep track of the industry’s progress in improving gender balance as well as the effectiveness of our recommended actions.
The World Petroleum Council and BCG's focus is for this report to make a major contribution to oil and gas companies’ efforts to boost women’s representation in the industry.
Report and highlights at BCG: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2017/energy-environment-people-organization-untapped-reserves.aspx
WPC and BCG wish to acknowledge the support of the international Advisory Group:
- Reem A. Al-Ghanim, Head of HR & Support Services for Chemicals, Saudi Aramco
- Nadia Al-Haji, Deputy Chief Executive, Petrochecmical Industries Company, Kuwait
- Wafa Bader Al-Othman, Team Leader, Strategic Planning, KIPIC, Kuwait
- Maria Angela Capello, Consultant and Author of "Mentoring and Sponsoring", USA
- Rajiv Bahl, Director, FIPI, India
- Winnie Mamatsharaga, Gender Mainstreaming and Trasnformation, Department of Energy, South Africa
- Joaquin Hormaechea, Director, Talent, Culture and Internal Communications, Repsol, Spain
- Salva Lorenzo Martinez, Diversity Manager, Repsol, Spain
- Anna Illarionova, WPC YP Representative, Russia
- Loraine de Roll, Diversity Project Manager, Total, France
- Sigrid Borthen Toven, VP EXP EE WPE, Equinor, Norway
- Cristina Pinho, Secretary General, IBP, Brazil
- Pablo Ferragut, Project Manager, ARPEL, Uruguay
- Lee Jourdan, former Chief Diversity Officer, Chevron, USA
- Tana Garcia Lastra, Director, CORES, Spain
We would also thank the WPC Executive Committee and all the many people at the Boston Consulting Group who contributed to making this report a reality.
Leadership Excellence for Women Awards and Symposium (LEWAS)
WPC collaborates closely with the Leadership Excellence for Women Awards and Symposium (LEWAS) which recognises extraordinary individuals and efforts in the Middle East energy sector. The 2021 LEWAS Virtual Awards and Symposium takes place on 28 November. Further details at www.lewa-symposium.org
Women's Global Leadership Conference (WGLC)
A sneak preview of the Untapped Reserves report will be shared at the annual Women's Global Leadership Conference, held from 1-3 November in Houston, USA, with a virtual day for the global audience on the 3rd November. More information at www.WGLConference.com
WINNERS - Women in India's Energy Sector
Organising by the Federation of Indian Petroleum Industry (FIPI), the annual WINNERS conference in September 2021 was a great opportunity to share some learnings from the Untapped Reserves report with the many Indian companies and individuals who had participated in the survey. www.fipi.org
See the WPC video on "How can we improve gender diversity in the profession" here
Further coverage in:
- Article in WPC Annual Strategic Review 2017: Gender balance in oil and gas: an important - and attainable - goal
- Saudi Aramco's Arabian Sun, 2017-35, P 4: http://www.aramco.com/content/dam/Publications/Weeklies/AS/2017-35.pdf
- Spain's Energia 16, December 2017 "Untapped Reserves"
- Bloomberg, 4th December 2018: Big Oil Battles Gender Problem That May Take Decades to Fix
WPC Talk on "Barriers to Progress for Women in the Oil and Gas Industry" - September 2015