Every three years the Council elects the Congress Programme Committee (CPC) for the next Congress cycle. National Committees can nominate senior experts from their countries and the Council selects the best candidates, leaving the WPC Energy Vice President for the Programme and Chair of the CPC to appoint additional members to provide a good balance of expertise, gender and geography. The Council decided to elect all nominations so the CPC members for the 25th WPC Energy Congress cycle are:
CPC Chair 2023-2026
Mr James McFarland (Canada)
CPC Members (2023 - 2026)
- Dr Liu Yuzhang - China
- Prof Frank Behrendt - Germany
- Mr James Nii Boye Quaye - Ghana
- Mr Csaba Zsoter - Hungary
- Mr Yusuke Mochida - Japan
- Mr Bulat Zakirov - Kazakhstan
- Mrs Shayma Al Bannay - Kuwait
- Dr Pandele Neculae - Romania
- Dr Alexander Nekipelov - Russia
- Mr Goran Stojilkovic - Serbia
- Mr Kutluhan Olcay -Türkiye
- Dr Abhishek Deshpande - UK
- Mr David Curtiss - USA
- Mr Mishaal Thukair - Saudi Arabia
- (CPC Liaison) - Saudi Arabia
- (WPC YP Committee Chair) Shamus Hardie - Canada