Official statement from the Organisers (14th May 2020):
"Given the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 from around the world, including health and safety concerns and travel restrictions, along with the extraordinary challenges our industry is facing, the World Petroleum Council Executive Committee and the 23rd World Petroleum Congress Organizing Committee have agreed to postpone the Congress to December 5-9, 2021."
Click here to read the full statement from WPC President Tor Fjaeran and 23rd WPC Organizing Committee Chairman Jeff Shellebarger.
From the 5-9 December 2021 Houston will be showcasing the industry’s role and capabilities in providing safe, affordable and sustainable energy in the future under the official theme of the 23rd WPC:
“Innovative Energy Solutions”
The theme for the 23rd World Petroleum Congress “Innovative Energy Solutions” sums up the vision of the oil and gas sector’s contribution to a changing world. As our society grows and transforms at unequal speeds energy is the great differentiator. Ensuring the maximum welfare for all through tailor made energy concepts in a safe and responsible way has to be top of the agenda. The oil and gas industry has an important role to play in achieving this objective.
In order to cover society’s growing need for basic access to energy, better and healthier living and increased mobility, innovation is key. With the industry’s potential to build upon its leadership, creativity, technology and expertise, the oil and gas sector can help develop innovative solutions which adapt to social diversity and provide scalable, customisable and sustainable energy for the world. We will need all sources of energy to succeed.
In 2021 the 23rd WPC will bring together leading experts from the oil and gas industry and cross sector initiatives in the energy capital of the world, Houston, to present innovative energy solutions for our future.
23rd World Petroleum Congress
A strong programme including around 700 Expert Speakers and high-level Plenaries and Keynotes from around the world will frame the event and provide many opportunities for knowledge sharing and discussions.
The Technical Programme of the Congress is split into five main topical blocks:
BLOCK 1 - Innovation in upstream
BLOCK 2 - Innovation in downstream & petrochemicals
BLOCK 3 - Innovation in natural gas
BLOCK 4 - Future energy landscape
BLOCK 5 - Managing energy solutions
23 Forums will address the key issues and challenges for the global oil and gas sector:
List of Topics, descriptions and speakers for the 23rd WPC Technical Forum Sessions
Further details available at