22nd World Petroleum Congress - Istanbul, 2017

22nd World Petroleum Congress - Istanbul, 2017

The 22nd World Petroleum Congress programme covered diverse topics including focused sessions on Social Responsibility, Youth, Women in the Industry and Sustainable Management.

During the Congress, Rex Tillerson, US Secretary of State and past Chairman and Chief Executive of ExxonMobil was recognised for his outstanding contribution to the oil and gas industry with the highest honour of the World Petroleum Council, the Dewhurst Award.

With 65 member countries, the World Petroleum Congress attracts more than 100 countries and 1500 companies and consistently draws the largest number of IOCs and NOCs.

The 22nd WPC Exhibition which covered 35,000 sqm and runs alongside the Congress included the international and domestic oil and gas majors, as well as service companies featured in the Global Business Opportunities Centre (GBOC) where the majority of national oil and gas companies were represented. Other special features of the WPC Exhibition included the Social Responsibility Global Village, Youth Stand and Digital Poster Plaza.

Congress Theme: Bridges to our Energy Future

The world is experiencing a global shift with dramatic political, economical and industrial changes, increases in population and volatile pricing that will have a long-term impact on energy requirements and the global petroleum sector. Demand for conventional and unconventional oil and gas continues to rise and remains critical ot the changing energy mix, which includes a significant growth of renewable energy. The industry will need to cooperate with all stakeholders including government, industry, academia and society to build the bridges to a sustainable energy future for all. Partnerships, technical innovations, human ingenuity and strong leadership will form the foundations, supported by global policies for energy efficiency, low carbon solutions, infrastructure development and continuing investment in order to supply energy efficiency, low carbon solutions, infrastructure development and continuing investment in order to supply energy for our future in a reliable, secure, affordable and responsible manner. The 22nd World Petroleum Congress will provide the platform for open dialogue to build bridges between consumers and producers, governments and industry, academia and financiers, leaders and society, in order to address these issues and present debates, developments and solutions for sustainable production and use of the world's energy resources.

Click here to see the 22nd WPC Daily News

22nd WPC Statistics

12,000 attendees in total from 102 countries
4,000 Delegates, including
7 Heads of State
38 Ministers
620 Speakers in 124 sessions
500+ CEO's, Presidents & Heads of International Organisations
500 Media representatives
105 Exhibiting companies

Programme Topics for the 22nd WPC

The technical sessions for the Congress are detailed below and were held together with a number of high level Special sessions, Ministerial and Plenary sessions.

BLOCK 1: Exploration and Production of Oil & Gas


F1 Exploration Challenges - how to reduce risk
F2 Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resource Development - North America Phenomena or Global Opportunity?
F3 Managing Upstream Mega Projects
F4 New Technologies in Production and Development
F5 Geoscience technology and innovation
F6 EOR/IOR Developments - Maximising the Development of Mature Fields

Round Tables:

RT1 Exploration and Production Cost Efficiency - Building Resilience
RT2 Bridging other Industry Technologies - Impact on Upstream
RT3 Innovative Collaboration: What's next for IOCs, NOCs and Service Companies
RT4 Upstream Portfolio Development in Cyclic Business Environments

BLOCK 2: Refining, Transportation and Petrochemicals


F7 Competitive refining technologies
F8 Integration of the refining and petrochemical industry
F9 Oils and products storage and transportation
F10 New marketing approaches for delivering products to consumers
F11 Products of the Future

Round Tables:

RT5 Delivering successful downstream projects
RT6 Asset management in refining and petrochemicals
RT7 Outlook of the downstream industries

BLOCK 3: Natural Gas Processing, Transportation and Markets


F12 Opening up new uses and applications for gas
F13 Sustainable value chains for unconventional gas
F14 Delivery of large scale integrated gas projects
F15 Best practices in the management of safe operation of gas assets

Round Tables:

RT8 Role of LNG in security of global energy supply
RT9 Role of gas in the energy mix of a volatile world
RT10 Gas from producer to market

BLOCK 4: Sustainable Management of the Industry


F16 Knowledge Management
F17 Cyber Security and new technology risks
F18 Human Resources - how to attract and retain talent in our industry
F19 Perception of the oil industry by society
F20 HSE/Operations Integrity

Round Tables:

RT11 Geopolitics and global trends
RT12 Ethics, compliance and business principles
RT13 Perception of the petroleum industry by society