19th World Petroleum Congress - Madrid 2008

19th World Petroleum Congress - Madrid 2008

A World in Transition: Delivering Energy for Sustainable Growth

29th June - 3rd July 2008

Proceedings of the 19th World Petroleum Congress

The full proceedings of the 19th WPC Congress has been published by the Energy Institute. Available in a fully searchable format on DVD, the proceedings includes the papers and presentations from:

  • Plenaries and special addresses
  • Best practice keynote sessions
  • Forum papers and posters
  • Special sessions
  • Round tables
  • Opening and closing ceremonies, event videos and more

Proceedings of the 19th World Petroleum Congress
A World in Transition: Delivering Energy for Sustainable Growth
December 2008 ISBN 978-0-85293-499-9
Full price: £650.00

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